Some Interesting Connections with the Flower of Life

Flower of Life (the type here is the Satan’s Flower of Life, but I was not aware of it until the end of december 2018!) is a powerful symbol. It is connected to the Metatron’s Cube, The Egg of Life, Fruit of Life,  Seed of Life and Tree of Life as described by Drunvalo Melchizedek (Melchizedek Drunvalo (1998): The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life. Volume I. Light Technology. Page 36-37, 40-41,158-160.) It is also connected to the symbol of the “Eye” (Melchizedek Drunvalo (2000): The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life. Volume II. Light Technology. Page 325) and merkaba vehicle (read it in Volume II).

And there is more:

The basic ingredient of this flower is a circle. Intersection between two circles already makes three areas. This is not a symbol of duality as claimed by some people, but prenatal position, the birth of Universal Love (diagram A), followed by the Universal Love (diagram B) and the conditional love (diagram C):


Flower of Life is also connected with the Fibonacci sequence and with the Golden ratio:


Connection between the Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, hexagram (the Star of David) and 12 posible curves of Fibonnacci sequence.These curves have origin in the leafs of the central circle of the Flower of Life.This picture on polar graph is built on the basic picture, offered by Melchizedek Drunvalo (1998): The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life. Light Technology. Page 218-223.




Connection between the Flower of Life and curves of Fibonacci sequence, junctions between the two offer reconnection of dualism into Oneness. We have six possible pairs of such curves. The concept is taken from

It is also connected with Taiji symbol of yin and yang (taken from @roksivante):

Flower of Life and Yin-Yang.PNG

Flower of Life is prenatal to six positions of the kabalistic Tree of Life:tree-of-life-in-the-flower-of-lifeIt is also prenatal to six positions of ordinary Kathara (but Flower of Life can also be derived from Kathara- both symbols are prenatal to each other, so Kathara spirituality shouldn’t (!) be used as criticism of the Flower of Life) :


It contains three positions of extended Kathara:


It describes four basic worlds (Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah) and touches the zone of lower worlds and with these five planes Five elements (Wuxing) are also contained within the Flower of Life:

flower-of-life-and-five-worldsWith two outer circles in mind, we get numerical sequence from 1 to 9 (in six possible directions):


When some arches are connected in Flower of Life with the first layer of Love circles, we can get variants of Feline and Carian shapes:


And when some arches are connected in Flower of Life with the first and second layer of Love circles, we can get variants of Carian and Reptilian shapes:


Important information: The staff about good and bad cosmic forces are actually projections of entities aka synthetic matrix from the geocentric surroundings of the human beings, and then projected on the Cosmic levels, based on the archetypes of light and darkness. Even when they can be traced in the Flower of Life. However, the texts on the “Aliens” will remain as they are written, because these “Cosmic entities” are still the astral reality of our planet and humankind. All advanced supercivilizations are either ignorant of us, or they are our invisible protectors. In supercivilizations there are no wars, no poverty, they are protected by the great Divine. (this information was added on 2017/10/29).

Flower of Life: Between the Planes, Between Dimensions

Flower of Life (the type here is the Satan’s Flower of Life, but I was not aware of it until the end of december 2018!) is a powerful symbol, known by ancient Egyptians and some other nations. This spiritual symbol has been thoroughly researched by Drumvalo Melcizedek and taught before 1990. With the help of Flower of Life, one can explain Genesis,[1] the Egg of Life, the Fruit of Life and Metatron’s Cube,[2] Egyptian wheel with 24 radial lines[3] etc…

In one of the previous blogs, I’ve talked about connections between Flower of Life and five macro-worlds/planes. There are five regions of Flower of Life, presented as circles going from the center out:


On this picture one can see, that our plane of Assiah finds section with Yetzirah and the beginning of Lower Planes. That is why Irving Feurst, who uses sequence of 32 subtle bodies (including our phisical body) as published in his book Enegy Blessing from the Stars: Seven initiations , feels weaker sensations of 18th subtle body and bodies beyond. With 17th subtle body one is leaving the level of Yetzirah and with the 18th subtle body Briah is entered.

Great planes seem to have different number of levels/worlds, based on the quality of the frequency  (dimensions of frequency):

  • Lower Planes have 18 levels (9 main domains x 2);
  • Assiah has 18 levels (9 main domains x 2);
  • Yetzirah has 81 levels (9 main domains x 9);
  • Briah has 81 levels (9 main domains x 9);
  • Atziluth– have no information on levels of frequency

Beside these “dimensions of frequency” one can also look at ordinary meaning of dimensions, which seem to have these arrangements:

  • Lower planes are 1D (point) or 2D (length and width);
  • Assiah is 3D (length, width, height) or 4D (length, width, height and time)
  • Yetzirah is 5D to 8D. It is claimed by the mediums/psychics that these are main dimensional homelands for Extra Terrestrials who physically or mentally visit planet Earth;
  • Briah is 9D to 16D;
  • Atziluth seems to go from 17D up.

[1] Drumvalo Melchizedek (1998). The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life. Volume 1. Light Technology. Page 148-154.

[2] Drumvalo Melchizedek (1998). Page 158-164.

[3] Drumvalo Melchizedek (2000). The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life. Volume 2. Light Technology. Page 292.

43 Bodies and 43 Chakras for All Dimensions

I have no intention to change this article, but one note must be added. It seems that there actually are only 33 body levels as noted by Irving Feurst from S.U.N., together with the system of 43 chakras. That means: below the navel chakra level there are no additional potential bodies. They are not necessary, because it seems, that no real underworld, hell etc. existed below our plane. Sub-personal chakras, however, are still needed to provide balance in the level of Assiah. (added on October 15th, 2017)

A lot of spiritual seekers are familiar with the terms “Astral body”, “Emotional body”, “Causal body” etc. Most of this knowledge has been developed in India.  Here are terms, which are commonly known:


All these bodies are connected to the level of Assiah or Purgatory, which is the level of our dimension. But system of chakras continues upward and downward to other planes. Our true Source comes from the level of Atziluth or above it and before any spirit reaches physical body in our dimension, he/she/it is got a holographic sequence of 31 or 32 subtle bodies (depends if first one- Great No-body is counted for subtle body or not). Most of the information presented in this text is based on formulas from Chinese metaphysic, but concrete techniques, which show the way how these descriptions are derived, are not disclosed, because I do not want to violate Universal law of Reciprocity. This text is my Christmas gift to you. Bear in mind that this knowledge might need some smaller corrections.

We have to get holographic sequence for 32 subtle bodies in order to get into physical reality, i.e. into physical body of Assiah. Our physical body is 33rd body on our holographic sequence (or 32nd if the first one- Great No-body- is not counted for subtle body – in further text this level is also counted for subtle body). Irving Feurst from S.U.N. uses sequence of 32 subtle bodies (including our phisical body) as published in his marvelous book Enegy Blessing from the Stars: Seven initiations and he obviously doesn’t count the Great No-body. In my system 17th body over our physical body is far away in Briah world. In Irving Feurst’s system this is 18th body and he confirms that this body and higher bodies are only slightely felt by him. For me this is precious information, because it is shown, that empirical experiences of Irving Feurst are in accordance with my theoretical model.

Hovever- if one is incarnated in Lover planes, he needs additional ten bodies and his/her physical body is 43th body on his/her holographic sequence.  All these additional chakras have unique locations according to particular point of view. Earth star, used for people from our Assiah and located 15-30 cm under one’s feet is actually one of upper chakras for creatures, living in Lover planes and lthis chakra is then located in the atmosphere of Lover planes. There are also several levels of one function. You will notice that there are several Body of Completion, which work on different levels, for example. To get better picture, you can look the following picture of chakras, which is similar to the system, proclaimed by Jhadten Jewall fromSacred Spaces and also promoted by Karmen Matičič Galija, spiritual master of PEH. For further information on this picture, read my previous post. I have also published another post, dealing with Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, Assiah and Lover planes.


Bodies and chakras for beings from Lower planes (living in 18 different dimensions):

43rd body: Physical body for beings of Lover planes which is also used as the Body of completion. Corresponding chakra: Chakra of Earth’s Inner fire (it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

42nd body: Soul’s body for beings of Lover planes which is also used as the Body of Regeneration. Corresponding chakra: Chakra of Huge Waters (it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

41th body: Body of Life which is also used as Spirit’s body for beings of Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: Chakra of Fiery Vapours (it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

40th body: Body of Ego. Corresponding chakra: Chakra of Lower Homes (it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

39th body: Body of Soul’s frame. Corresponding chakra: Chakra of Little Waters aka Jhadten Jewell’s Dolphin Matrix (it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations). It is probably used as the Soul star by beings of Lover planes.

38th body: Body of Creative activity. Corresponding chakra: The High Chakra of Hell, which is also an Earth star for beings of Assiah.

Bodies and chakras for beings from Assiah aka Purgatory (our 3D level and additional 17 dimensions):

37th body: Body of Completion (installed only for beings from Lover planes). Corresponding chakra: Feet chakra.

36th body: Body of Connection (installed only for beings from Lover planes). Corresponding chakra: Ankle chakra.

35th body: Body of Initiation (installed only for beings from Lover planes). Corresponding chakra: Knee chakra.

34th body: Body of Completion (installed only for beings from Lover planes). Corresponding chakra: Root chakra– 1st chakra.

33rd body: Body of Regeneration, which is Physical body for beings from Assiah, but subtle body ofr the beings from Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: Sexual chakra– 2nd chakra.

32nd body: Body of Life, which is Etheric or Pranic body and Soul’s body for populations of Assiah. Corresponding chakra: Heart chakra (not Solar plexus!)- 4th chakra.

31st body: Body of Ego, which is Emotional/Astral body for populations of Assiah. Corresponding chakra: Solar plexus (not Heart Chakra!)-3rd chakra.

30th body: Body of Soul Frame, which is Lover mental body for populations of Assiah. Corresponding chakra: Throat chakra– 5th chakra.

29th body: Body of Creative activity, which is Causal body and Spirit’s body for populations of Assiah. Corresponding chakra: Third eye– 6th chakra.

28th body: Body of Harmonization, which is Buddhic body for populations of Assiah. Corresponding chakra: Crown chakra- 7th chakra. This chakra is Earth star for populations of Yetzirah.

Bodies and chakras for beings from Yetzirah aka First Heaven aka Zone of Freedom (E.T.-s like Pleiadeans, Lyrans, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians, Reptillians, Greys etc. living in 81 planetary dimensions):

27th body: Body of Connection which is Atmic body for populations of Assiah. This subtle body is active only for populations of Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: 8th chakra (viewed from Assiah), which is the Soul star or Connection star for populations of Assiah.

26th body: Body of Initiation, which is Monadic body for populations of Assiah. This subtle body is active only for populations of Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: 9th chakra, which is Solar/Stellar chakra for populations of Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations)- it rules our communication with other star systems.

25th body: Body of Completion, which is Adi body from neo-theosophy for populations of Assiah. This subtle body is active only for populations of Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: 10th chakra, which is the Galactic chakra or Shamanic chakra for populations of Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

24th body: Body of Regeneration.  This subtle body is active only for populations of Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: 11th chakra, which is Land of Love Chakra for populations of Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

23rd body: Body of Life, which is Physical body for populations of Yetzirah. Corresponding chakra: 12th chakra, which is Super-Solar Chakra for populations of Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

22nd body: Body of Ego. Corresponding chakra: 13th chakra, which is Chakra of Upper Homes for populations of Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

21th body: Body of Soul Frame. Corresponding chakra: 14th chakra, which is Chakra of Alchemy for populations in Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

20th body: Body of Creative activity, which is Soul’s body for populations in Yetzirah.  Corresponding chakra: 15th chakra, which is Chakra of Solar sword for populations in Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

19th body: Body of Harmonization. Corresponding chakra: 16th chakra, which is Chakra of Fertile Soil for populations in Assiah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

18th body: Body of Connection. Corresponding chakra: 17th chakra, which is Chakra of Holy Fire for populations in Assiah and Earth star for population of Briah (i.e. it is named according to the functions for Assiah populations).

17th body: Body of Initiation, which is Spirit’s body for populations in Yetzirah. Corresponding chakra: 18th chakra, which is Chakra of Fiery Tree for populations in Assiah. After this level, populations from Assiah have almost no access to higher levels, because there is a border zone between Yetzirah and Briah.

Bodies and chakras for beings from Briah aka Second Heaven (lover angels and deities etc. living in 81 stellar-planetary dimensions. It is also said by some spirituals, that angels are only our projections and entities):

17th body: Body of Initiation. This is the same body as 17th body from Yetzirah, because this body can be active in both worlds. This subtle body is active only for populations of Yetzirah, Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra:  18th chakra.

16th body: Body of Highest Completion.This subtle body is active only for populations of Yetzirah, Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra:  19th chakra.

15th body: Body of Highest Regeneration.This subtle body is active only for populations of Yetzirah, Assiah and Lover planes. Corresponding chakra: 20th chakra. This is Earth Star for populations of Atziluth.

14th body: Body of Highest Life. This body is the same as 14th body of Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. This subtle body is active only for populations of Yetzirah, Assiah and Lover planes.Corresponding chakra: 21st chakra.

13th body: Body of Highest Ego. This body is the same as 13th body, used in Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 22nd chakra.

12th body: Body of Highest Soul’s Frame. This is the same as 12th body from Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 23rd chakra.

11th body: Body of Highest Creative Activity. This is Physical body of Briah populations. This body is the same as 11th body from Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 24th chakra.

10th body: Body of Highest Harmonization. This body is the same as 10th body from Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 25th chakra.

9th body: Body of Highest Connection. This body is the same as 9th body from Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 26th chakra.

8th body: Body of Highest initiation. This is Soul’s body for Briah. This body is the same as 8th body from Atziluth, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 26th chakra.

7th body: Body Pure Love. This is Spirit’s body for Briah. This body is the same as 7th body from Atziluth, b because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 27th chakra.

Bodies and chakras for beings from Atziluth aka Third Heaven (higher angels and deities etc. , I have no information on number of dimensions):

14th body: Body of Highest Life. This body is the same as 14th body, used in Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 21st chakra.

13th body: Body of Highest Ego. This body is the same as 13th body, used in Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 22nd chakra.

12th body: Body of Highest Soul’s Frame. This is the same as 12th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 23rd chakra.

11th body: Body of Highest Creative Activity. This body is the same as 11th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 24th chakra.

10th body: Body of Highest Harmonization. This body is the same as 10th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 25th chakra.

9th body: Body of Highest Connection. This body is the same as 9th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 26th chakra.

8th body: Body of Highest initiation. This is finest Physical body for populations of Atziluth. This body is the same as 8th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 26th chakra.

7th body: Body Pure Love. This is Soul’s body for Atziluth. This body is the same as 7th body from Briah, because it is placed in both worlds. Corresponding chakra: 27th chakra.

6th body: Body of Pure Avareness. This is Spirit’s body for Atziluth. Corresponding chakra: 28th chakra. At the same time it is Soul star for Briah.

Higher levels (I don’t have enough information to get the answer whether these bodies belong to Atziluth or to the level(s), which transcendent Atziluth)

5th body: Body of Pure Existence.  Corresponding chakra: 29th chakra.This is Soul star for Atziluth.

4th body: Furth Body-No-body. Corresponding chakra: 30th chakra.

3rd body: Third Body-No-body. Corresponding chakra: 31th chakra.

2nd body: Second Body-No-body. Corresponding chakra: 32nd chakra.

1st body: First No-body. This transcendental No-body actually does not exist and at the same time this non-existence prooves, that it exist. However, if we count it as zero body, then we have 42 possible bodies  instead of 43 and 32 bodies for Assiah instead of 32. This is only minor issue. However- corresponding chakra here is (existing/non-existing?) 33rd chakra.